Coding basics html , Learn HTML Basics .
Coding basics html
HTML Basics
HTML = Hyper Text Markup Language . Used for making Website more cool and sexy.
Coding basics html
>>> Source-Code :
<!doctype html>
<html> # html tags used for starting code in html
# > head tags used as a container and title tags used for putting title .
<head> <title> Artificial Intellegence </title> </head>
<body> # body tags used for writing text about topic
<h1> Machine learning</h1> # <h1> means heading tags, it's size is XL
<h2> Data Structures </h2> # It is also an heading tag and it's size is L.
<h3> Algorithms </h3> # It's size is ML (Medium large)
<h4> App Developer </h4> # size = Medium
<h5> Web Developer </h5> # size = Small
<h6> Open Source Projects</h6> # size = Smaller
<img src="(img name).jpg"> # img tag used for adding image , src=source
<p> AI is the ability of a computer program or a machine to think and learn .</p>
# <p> tag used for adding paragraph
<p> Python is important for learning about AI. </p>
<video src="IMG_2424.MOV"> # it is used for adding video.
</video> # Closing Video tag
<audio src="The Spectre.mp3" # It is used for adding audio
</body> # Closing body tag
</html> # Closing html tag
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Coding basics html , Learn HTML Basics .
Reviewed by Coding Guy
July 09, 2019
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